The Sasamat Fire Department is a public safety agency dedicated to the preservation of life and property through a professional approach to fire suppression, rescue, and medical emergencies provided with a commitment to Firefighter training and development.
The Sasamat Volunteer Fire Department (SVFD) was formally established in 1976 and began operation in 1977 with the purchase of a 1953 LaFrance Pumper Truck. The truck was purchased from the IOCO Oil Refinery for $1.
The Department offers a spectrum of services to the community on a 24/7 basis. The department is staffed 100% by volunteers. A 911 call triggers a paging system giving members the details of the call which they then respond to from their respective halls. |
Fire Suppression
Our members are trained in structural and wildland fire suppression. Including fire behavior, water delivery and other suppression methods.
Medical Response
Medical calls make up the majority of the responses. All members receive First Responder 3 (FR3) certification to handle these calls.
Motor Vehicle and Other
Vehicle accidents and extraction, gas leaks, wire down are just a few of the many other response services provided by the Department.
Fire and Safety Education
Prevention begins with education. The department offers a variety of education programs to the community.
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