Maintenance Procedures

The Checklist Sheets will have complete requirements for equipment checks/maintenance. Below is a summary of the procedures.

Truck Check
Open all cabinets and ensure all equipment is present and in the proper place.   Follow checklist for each apparatus. When any power equipment is being checked (Chainsaws, K-Saw etc.), at least 2 people need to be present at the hall. This also applies to cab tilting.

SCBA Check
Check all units are operational.  Check and replace batteries if necessary.  Ensure bottles have >4000 psi

FR Equipment Check
Open all FR Kits and ensure everything is present, stocked, and the proper place.  Replace equipment if necessary.  Check Obottles. 

Hall Cleanup
Empty trash/recycling, vacuum/sweep floors, light bulbs, smoke detectors, tidy etc.

Checklist Sheets

Apparatus Checklists – The link will open a spreadsheet, different apparatus checklists can be viewed by the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

SCBA Checklist

FR Equipment – Trauma Kit Checklist is located in the lid of the kit (behind the foam).

Red-Tag Procedure

If equipment needs to be taken out of service, fill out a Metro Vancouver Work Order form, place a red tag on the equipment with the following information:

  • Date
  • What the issue is
  • Your Name

The red tags can be found in the ‘Equipment’ box of the literature organizer at Anmore Hall.

After completing the red tag procedure, send an email to the Equipment Officer and the Deputy Chief of Operations. If it is a critical piece of equipment, send an email out to the entire department.